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You've written a book that you are really proud of.
It took a long time to write and you wish more people knew about it and could benefit from your message.
Instead, it’s just sitting there gathering dust because you don’t know how to talk about it.
The thought of marketing your book feels overwhelming and exhausting.
You are confused about where to start and how to truly connect with your readers.
The whole thing feels pushy, sleazy, and weird?
How are you supposed to write a book AND market it, anyway?
That’s a lot to ask from one person.
Geez. Louise.
I get it and it doesn't have to be this way.
What if marketing your book could feel like a really wonderful art project?
What if you could actually enjoy the process?
What if you could pour passion and intention into your marketing work and then let it step out
into the world as a lighthouse so that the readers who need your words can find them?
Marketing is connecting. Books are healing. Letting people know about your book in
a mindful way is an act of love.
It’s a mind shift that truly makes all the difference.
I know this because I had to make the mind shift myself.
When it was time to market my own book, I knew that I needed it to feel good or I wasn’t
going to do it.
I am not a natural marketer. I was not taught this skill in college. Often times marketing feels cold to me.
I am a writer, an empath, and an introvert.
I enjoy doing the work, not telling everyone about it.
I knew I had to find a way to market my book that felt classy, thoughtful, and fun.
Goal #1: delight.
I asked myself how that could work. What it might look like.
I realized that beauty and inspiration had to be involved in order for me to carry out a
conversation with readers about my new book.
Because that is what creative marketing is: a conversation.
So, I felt into that and I decided to approach marketing like I would an art project.
I chose to let inspiration fuel me as I created a solid and steady marketing plan.
I ended up truly loving the process and my readers could feel that.
I want to help you experience the same.
You + Me. 1 Day.
A Beautiful + Personal Marketing Plan For You + Your Book
Purpose. Passion. Plan.
Here's How it Works
I send you a questionnaire to fill out before we meet so I can get to know you and your book.
We meet via telephone and brainstorm for 2 hours. In this time we will work through any fears you have, discuss the best marketing avenues for you, and then choose three ways to really connect with your readers because it's true what they say:
if you are everywhere, you are nowhere. Let's get focused.
~We break for lunch to nourish ourselves and get ready for implementation.~
We come back to workshop for 2 more hours and create a marketing plan and schedule that feels exciting and doable for you!
After our day together you will leave with 20 ideas for marketing your book and a solid plan to roll it out, all in a beautiful workbook made especially for you!
Done in 1 Day + 30 days of email support from me to make sure you get going!
Investment for our day together= $1,200 USD
Does this sound delightful?
I invite you to email me here to schedule a 20-minute call with me to see if we are a good fit for working together.
I'm excited to hear about your project!