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My work is about connection. Real and meaningful connection.
I express this work by helping aspiring authors write the book they have always dreamed of. I also write a lot of poetry and this is probably how you found me. Hi!
I believe that true connection to ourselves and each other heals our pain, strengthens our world, and is an essential ingredient to the quality of our lives.
I believe that the most difficult times in our lives are important teachers that help us to see what's true and to create anew.
I believe in the fortitude of the human spirit, in the transformative power of love, and that every day is an opportunity to begin again.
Other things to know...
I earned a degree in English Literature with a minor in Creative Writing. This means I learned how to write, rewrite, sculpt, polish, critique, and edit for four years while drinking a lot of coffee. I am a lifelong learner and have gone on to study business, philosophy, soul, history, and other subjects that help me become better at how I serve in our world. It's all connected.
I find a lot of inspiration in nature and have been fortunate enough to live in some very beautiful places. The ocean, birds, mountains, trees, and sky continue to teach me so much about life. Mainly, I have learned how to listen.
I am a published author and my work has also been seen in places like Mindbodygreen, Annapurna Living, and For Women Who Roar. My poetry has been featured in books, plays, one-woman shows, and an opera! You can find my new collection of poetry Queen Owl Wings on Amazon and soon in stores sprinkled around the world.
I love to listen to music, I love to travel, and I love to walk. When I can do all three at the same time, I feel most like myself.
When I am not writing you can find me...
arranging flowers, tending to plants, listening to Leonard Cohen, talking to my dog, eating an avocado, taking a bath, learning something, watching Trev cook, thinking about the world, spending time with my family, walking up a hill, making things with paper, or staring into a wild and stormy ocean.
I feel incredibly grateful to be alive. You too?
Let's connect!