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Image by Xuan Nguyen

Write Your Heart Out


You've been intending to write a meaningful piece of work for a while now.


You have stories, memories, and words swimming around in your head and tugging


at your heart.


You've tried to write on your own but you can't seem to find a rhythm, discipline, or time. 


You are unorganized and the dust is settling.


Why is this so hard? 


Will anyone want to read what I have to say?


How do I pull all my thoughts together to create something beautiful?  


These are natural questions to have as you work to bring your words into the world.


The truth is, writing is not only an art but also a practice.


You have to show up for it over and over before the writing starts working with you, through you.


If you have been putting off your most important writing work, I can help.


I teach people how to write from their heart.


This is not a soft and mushy thing. 


It's a powerful thing.


The heart is an incredible resource.


I work with a handful of coaching clients a year and require a 3-month minimum commitment to begin.


Once the three months are complete you will have a space in my calendar to continue on together.


Words do not get written by themselves.


The desire to write is a small part of being a writer. 


Choosing to align with a writing teacher who can help you move through resistance, keep you accountable to your project, and


show you what it takes to create your best work may be just what you need to move forward.


Action is everything and I am here to be your partner in action.


Also, there's magic and joy involved. Naturally.

3 ways we can work together...


Do you need a handful of hours with a writer who knows what's up?


This is for you.


Do you need help organizing your thoughts, a calendar to keep you accountable, a teacher to help you through it?


This is for you.


Do you have a big project on your hands and two hands are just not enough?


This is for you.

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