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Breakthrough writer's block
vip day



You have a creative project that you want to dive into but you're feeling a bit lost.


You have stories, memories, and words swimming around in your head and tugging

at your heart.


You've tried to write on your own but you can't seem to find the rhythm, discipline, or time. 


You are unorganized and the dust is settling.


Why is this so hard? 


Will anyone want to read what I have to say?


How do I pull all my thoughts together to create something beautiful?  


These are natural questions to have as you work to bring your creativity into the world.


The truth is, writing is not only an art but also a practice.


You have to show up for it before the writing starts working with you, through you.


If you have been putting off an important creative project or have no idea where to begin, I can help.


I teach people how to write from their heart.


This is not a soft and mushy thing.


It's a powerful thing.


The heart is an incredible resource.


If you would like to align with a writing teacher who can help you move through resistance and show you what it takes to

create meaningful work, I invite you to fill out the form below and let me know a little more about you.


I know what it feels like to be stuck. I know what it feels like to break free. I know that gaining traction is often the most difficult part.


Action is essential and I am here to be your partner in action.


Also, there's magic and joy involved. Naturally.




You + Me. 4 Hours. Clarity on a creative project to focus on and a 6-month plan to get it done! Plus some other fun things that help writers actually write.


Here's How It Works


I send you a questionnaire to fill out before our day together so I can learn all about your creative ideas before we meet.


We meet via zoom at 10 am PST for 2 hours and work through some very common fears when it comes to writing and sharing our work. We choose one creative project for you to focus on. 


We break for lunch for 30 minutes to nourish ourselves, stretch, jog, whatever feels good. Creativity loves it when we move our bodies.


We come back together for 2 more hours and create a plan to move your creative project from just an idea to an actual thing that lives in the world!


After our day together you will have a six-month plan to work on your creative project, a toolbox to get it done, and some serious inspiration to pull you through. You will also receive 30 days of email support from me to keep that momentum going!


Are you interested in writing from the heart?


The investment for our day together is $1000 USD


Please fill out the form below to schedule a 30-minute call with me to see if we are a good fit for working together.








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